
SchülerartikelOur planet is dying

Schülerartikel / Our planet is dying
A part of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System runs past Alaska Range mountains near Delta Junction Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images via AFP

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The Willow Project was officially approved by the Biden administration. This has led the internet to turn into total chaos with over 3 million people signing petitions, over 1 million people sending letters to the White House and the creation of the #StopWillow hashtag on social media, in protest of the project that will end up destroying our world.

What is the Willow Project?

For the people who don’t know, the Willow project is a ConocoPhillips oil drilling project located on the North Slope of Alaska. The oil was discovered in 2016 and in 2020 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) approved ConocoPhillips’ suggestion of developing the project. On March 13th 2023 the Biden administration ended up approving the project. The approval ended up in a lawsuit filed by environmentalist organisation Earthjustice the very next day on behalf of many other groups to hopefully stop the project.

The Internet also tried to help in as many ways as possible. One of the many petitions that were created is by Sonny Ahk and has over 5,1 million signatures and counting. Thousands of videos are being posted all over social media to spread awareness about the subject to people of all ages.

Why is it bad?

The Biden administration estimates that the project will produce so much oil that it will release 9,2 million tons of carbon pollution a year. This is as if they were adding 2 million cars to the roads every year.

Many environmental groups like Earthjustice are very concerned about this project because not only will it affect climate change, it will also destroy the habitat of many native species and completely alter the migration pattern of many animals living in Alaska.

How can you help?

The best way to help is to spread awareness. You can talk about it to your friends, family members, teachers, etc. … You can also sign petitions for free and make videos/posts about it on social media for more people to see this huge problem going on at the moment.

Ultimately Joe Biden has the last word, which means he can stop or continue with the project whenever he wants. One of the many ways to try to stop the Willow Project is to visit the „Protect our Winters“ website that allows you to send a message to the Biden administration to urge them to stop the project.

It is very important for everyone to try to do as much as possible to help. If you think that posting a video that will only reach three people won’t do anything, you’re wrong. If everyone thinks like that, no one will do anything and Earth will be in serious trouble. Please contribute as much as you can to stop this project and help Earth.


– www.nrdc.org/stories/why-willow-project-bad-idea

– edition.cnn.com/2023/03/14/politics/willow-project-oil-alaska-explained-climate/index.html

– www.change.org/p/joseph-r-biden-biden-administration-and-conocophillips-say-no-to-the-willow-project

– www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2023/03/why-the-willow-project-will-be-harmful-to-the-environment